I did my best when they showed up to have the presence of mind to smile in addition to remembering my choreography. Of course that night I had one of my smallest classes in a long time (only 6 people - I normally average at least 10 if not 15, which is one of the higher attended classes for our YMCA), but we still had a good time. The reporter only asked me a few questions, which left me to wonder what he was going to write about...
A lot of time passed and I wasn't sure if they were going to cover the story after all, but one day my boss at the YMCA came up to me and said, "You're famous!" and handed me a copy of the article. I had to laugh as I told Matt that my fame had spread to the far corners of our little town...or at least as far as the grocer at Albertsons who must wonder why I always come in sweaty and recognized me from the article. Now that's fame.
If you want to read the full article you can do so here.
Of course this story came out right as I decided to cut back my Zumba classes to just one night a week instead of two, as it was just taking away too much time from my family. I love doing it - it reminds me of stake dances (my friends and I went to every stake dance within 3 or 4 stakes and thought we were surely the coolest thing to hit the dance floor). But, to every thing a time and season right?
So, in the meantime every Tuesday night at 5:30 p.m. - Zumba on baby!
Ow, Ow! What a hottie! Way to go!
And what a fun way to get your taste of fame :)
That is a super cute photo! I have missed you and Nathan this week. I taught nursery for the last time and really did miss Carter. boo hoo. Hope to see you soon! Sarah
What a great article, and very cute pictures! I always knew I would need your autograph one day!
I loved Zumba. Sure I felt a little uncoordinated at first, but the more I did it the more I liked it. You are the dance/aerobic queen. I love your guts and your Zumba.
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