You wonderful people take time out of your busy schedules to read our blog - we love you and are glad you try to keep up on our little lives. Most of you can ignore this post. Those of you who take even more time out of your day to occasionally leave a note (aka a "comment") after you read our blog - thanks for letting us know you are out there on the other side of cyberspace! However, some people, my dear mother for example, read this blog regularly but never comment to let us know you were here. She said she didn't know how. So, this one's for you mom.
To make a comment on anyone's blog, you just click on the lovely little underlined "comment" link (**that's right the word COMMENT - next to the little pencil**) - see the big giant red arrow pointing to it below. That will then take you to a screen that shows the comments already made on the left hand side of the screen. Then there is a BIG white empty text box at the top of the right hand side of the screen for you to write away your little thoughts. Then you just identify yourself somehow (no you don't have to be a blogger to make comments on our blog) and then click the "publish your comment" button. Voila! You have now left your little footprint on our blog for us to know you were here.
So, all you little silent "blogstalkers" out there - give us a friendly hello when you read our blog. To those of you who already do - love you and appreciate you!
1 year ago
Loved it!
I love it! My mom does the same thing. She checks the blogs Ryan's and my blogs daily,sometimes more than once a day. But I don't think she has left a comment in the year(nearly) we have had our blog.
This made me laugh! My parents are the same way.
Reed and I love keeping in touch with you guys through blogging.
I never remember to comment because I use 'reader'....but I am still out here!
I am glad for your tutorial. I might copy and paste your smarty-pants words for my family that "doesn't know how." I hope it works for you, Autumn's Mom!
I'm not sure if I've commented here before or not, but in either case, "Hi!" :)
I might add that if you are coming to the site via our family website (which your Mom probably is), that the instructions for posting a comment are slightly different: Scroll past the other comments until you reach the "bottom" of the page. There (third line up from the bottom) you'll find the words "post a comment." Click that link and then follow the rest of the instructions in this post for leaving a comment. Also, if this blog works (or doesn't) anything like mine, then if you select the name/URL "identity," you must type in a web address in the URL field (even though it says it's optional) or your comment won't post (which can be very frustrating for those just learning to comment :) Luckily, you don't have to have your own website for that to work - any web address (,,, etc.) will work. The trick is just entering one (any one). Hope this helps clear up some commenting mysteries :)
Thanks for thinking of me - at least I can text message on my cell! FYI - the white lettering on the brown background of your blog is harder to read for old eyes than dark letters on a light background.
Autumn and Matt,
Yeah, I'm a blog stalker. It's the only way I know how everyone else is doing. Glad you are doing well.
Okay, now THAT, was funny! You're a woman of many talents, Autumn. Ninja aerobic moves and a witty writer?! Geez, leave some talent for the rest of us, would you?
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