Yup, no post lately to do several serious cases of camera swine flu. The first was a fatality - the canon camera that my parents so generously had given us when they upgraded theirs died a few months ago. So we switched to the not so great, but it got us by, video camera camera function. However, the video camera is temperamental too so the great pictures I took at the pumpkin patch yesterday cannot be downloaded and shared as it won't turn on. Argh!
I am ready to buy a new digital camera. I can't stand family moments not being captured and documented. I am mostly interested in the small point and shoot digital cameras, something I can slip into my purse easily to take pictures of the kids. Also, if there is a camera you have gotten and DIDN'T like, I would want to know that too so I can avoid those.
Thanks for the tips! Hopefully you can all benefit from great pictures to come!
1 year ago
Our digital camera is 5 years old so I'm sure it's not even on the market any more. Ask Matt V. for recommendations-- he's always trying out new cameras and would know what's good now.
We have owned two Sony Cybershots (one was stolen, and hence the need for the second). We got ours a year ago at Costco. It is compact, easy to use, and has 8.1 megapixels. I prefer it over our video camera that takes 10.1 megapixel pictures.
If you want an SLR, Cannon is a great brand, but you said you want something small so scratch that unneeded info.
Happy shopping.
Mine is a Cannon Powershot A550. I know mom got the more updated version. I love my camera. Small enough to fit in a purse, but still takes great photos.
Consumer Reports is a great point of reference. I always error on the side of Costco--buy it there and you can return it if you don't like it, without a hassle.
Karen has a Kodak EasyShare (or something like that) and she's happy with her camera. She got Mom the same one for Christmas last year and they like theirs too.
I also have a Kodak EasyShare and we have loved it. The one minus is that it sometimes takes dark pictures if the lighting isn't really good. (like anything taken inside our house...) The thing we really love about it is that it has a charging base-- NO batteries! I have never run out of juice, even with heavy use all day sightseeing. It did recently break though, so we're in for a new one. (it was old anyway-- only 5 mpx, and Spencer dumped sand all over the lens...and it lost some screws so the front came off.) Let's just say it was well loved over the years.
I love my digital camera-check out my blog to see some of the pictures I've taken with it. At a completely novice level mind you. It's extremely easy to use and can do some more advanced things. However, my photographer friend- you know her, Katie Bitter, would probably recommend a panasonic. I have a canon SD1100 IS
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